CIPMA Gives Testimony at Industry Committee addressing Bill C-14: An Act to Amend the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act”

Today CIPMA testified at a parliamentary committee regarding Bill C-14, which updates existing legislation and covers 40 industry sectors’ measuring devices.

CIPMA testified that the intent of the bill –to increase consumer confidence in measuring devices and to increase the accuracy of measuring devices – is laudable.

However, CIPMA was clear in testimony that the short name of the Act, “Fairness at the Pumps Act” is unacceptable.

CIPMA testified that this name unfairly targets the gasoline retailing sector by singling out a sector which has the second highest measurement compliance rates of any of the 40 sectors.

The facts provided by Measurement Canada show that the gasoline retailing sector has a measurement compliance rate of 93% for gasoline dispensers, whereas other sectors measurement compliance rates are as low as 48%.

Industry-leading networking events

Each year, we offer the entire fuel marketing industry two opportunities to find out what’s new, what’s coming, what CIPMA is doing about it, and how best to prepare for regulatory changes.

CIPMA is the proud host of the Canadian Fuel Marketing Conference. The next conference will be in Toronto April 10-12, 2017.  The CIPMA Golf Challenge is held in September.  Both are all-industry events open to members and non-members alike and offer marketers, suppliers and other stakeholders the chance to network.

The President and the Board of Directors hold an annual Eastern and Western Member’s education and networking reception and dinner. Invitations are sent to  CIPMA members and industry friends alike for a smaller scale networking event with more focus on the region.