Today, Minister Flaherty announced the launch of the Task Force for the Payments System Review to help guide the payments systems in Canada.

CIPMA welcomes this big picture approach to evaluating Canada’s payments system especially in light of increasing merchant fees and an apparent power imbalance between merchants and the players of the payments system (issuing banks, credit card companies and processors).

For more information on the task force and their work:

Industry-leading networking events

Each year, we offer the entire fuel marketing industry two opportunities to find out what’s new, what’s coming, what CIPMA is doing about it, and how best to prepare for regulatory changes.

CIPMA is the proud host of the Canadian Fuel Marketing Conference. The next conference will be in Toronto April 10-12, 2017.  The CIPMA Golf Challenge is held in September.  Both are all-industry events open to members and non-members alike and offer marketers, suppliers and other stakeholders the chance to network.

The President and the Board of Directors hold an annual Eastern and Western Member’s education and networking reception and dinner. Invitations are sent to  CIPMA members and industry friends alike for a smaller scale networking event with more focus on the region.